...to preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders
Explore the Interactive Aquaculture Lease Map (RI DEM web site)
(For informational purposes only. See official Assent files for acreage and operational details)
RI Shellfish Management Plan web site (RI SeaGrant)
Memorandum of Agreement between the RIDEM and the CRMC (PDF)
Aquaculture Application and Permitting Process (PDF)
Aquaculture Application Package (PDF)
Research/Educational Aquaculture Application (PDF)
Recreational Aquaculture Application (PDF)
Experimental Aquaculture Application (PDF)
Aquaculture Lease Transfer Request Form (PDF)
Shellfish Marketing Guide (PDF)
DEM Aquaculture License Application (PDF)
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association — The mission of the ECSGA is to promote responsible commercial shellfish aquaculture through market research and promotion, active involvement in public education, participation in policy formation at the state and national levels, and directed research.
URI Aquaculture Extension Program — Provides the most current science-based information in sustainable and profitable aquacultural crop production practices to growers through site visits, periodic publications, workshops and more.
Aquaculture of Marine Species in RI Waters
RI Vibrio Control Guidance for Growers (PDF)
RI Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (RIPDES) Permit Guidance for Aquaculture Projects (PDF)
Freshwater Aquaculture and Its Permitting in Rhode Island: Two Case Studies (PDF)
February 7, 2022 Working Group Meeting
December 7, 2021 Working Group Meeting