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RI Coastal Resources Management Council preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders


CRMC, City of Providence add UCG to Riverwalk; Webinar: Aquaculture in RI’s Shared Waters

East Beach shoreline public access walk a success; Annual CRMC Right-of-Way Cleanup Day

CRMC updates its Rights-of-Way online viewer; QDC, officials unveil RI Ready program

First annual RI ROW Cleanup Day a success; Three marina facilities designated under RI Clean Marina program

CRMC designates three new North Kingstown ROWs; Webinar, The Role of Towns & CRMC's Adopt-an-Access Program

Revamped Clean marina program offers streamlined process; Webinar, Environmental Justice Along the Coast

CRMC, City of East Providence and partners open new public fishing pier; CRMC, RISG announce educational public access webinar series; CRMC issues 2019-20 annual ROW report

CRMC, partners create educational marine debris exhibit; CRMC funds seven restoration projects; CRMC rewards RI students for science fair projects

CRMC appoints new executive director; State agencies improve Weekapaug public access; CRMC seeking CEHRTF proposals

CRMC welcomes new Aquaculture Coordinator; CRMC seeks comment on Draft 309 Assessment/Strategy

CRMC's Aquaculture Coordinator David Beutel retires

End of an Era: CRMC's longtime Executive Director Grover Fugate retires

2019 RI Aquaculture Report shows steady growth in industry; Rose Larisa living shoreline project breaks ground; From the CRMC: How are we doing?

A message from the CRMC; CRMC funds 7 habitat restoration projects in RI; NOAA applauds CRMC in 312 review; Waterplace Park dredging project video

CRMC, partners to install hybrid shoreline at Rose Larisa Park in EP; Aquaculturists: Tips for being a good neighbor

Restoring Habitat; Waterplace Park Dredged; Quonochontaug Restored, New Flood Maps Unveiled; Research and Reporting Efforts; Regulatory Changes; Other CRMC Projects

CRMC, partners dredge Waterplace Park, portion of Providence River; Aquaculture workshop gathers feedback for industry

New STORMTOOLS risk and damage app now available to public; Coastweeks focuses on sea level rise in urban landscape

Council approves Waterplace Park dredging; CRMC seeks pre-proposals for Trust Fund projects; Whitehouse EEO Leaders Day focuses on activism

Coastweeks 2019: hands-on learning; Draft CRMC freshwater wetland rules released

CRMC adopts changes to Ocean SAMP; RI Aquaculture Report: steady growth

CRMC launches Coastal Hazard Application worksheet and online viewer

CRMC, partners launch SAID program; NOAA conducts evaluation of CRMC program

CRMC funds six habitat restoration projects; CRMC rewards RI science, engineering fair participants

CRMC funds six habitat restoration projects; CRMC rewards RI science, engineering fair participants

CRMC talks climate change to Realtors; New CRMC staff - meet our ocean engineers

CRMC, URI unveil risk maps for East Bay; Work continuing on Quonnie salt marsh enhancement

CRMC, partners receive resilience grant; NOAA grants CRMC added jurisdiction over wind energy

Coastweeks, paper highlight CRMC monitoring efforts; CRMC seeks pre-proposals for Trust Fund projects

In focus: the future of RI’s salt marshes; CRMC adopts Beach SAMP, 1st climate change plan in US

CRMC’s 5 percent aquaculture rule seeks to balance use of salt ponds; Regarding use of the East Beach Sand Trail; CRMC celebrates 40 years of federal CZMA approval

CRMC’s Fugate receives leadership award for climate change work; Fugate speaks to Dutch Wavemakers; CRMC working to protect RI’s largest ship graveyard

2017 aquaculture report shows growth, diversification in industry; CRMC announces coastal wetland preservation strategy; CRMC rewards RI students for science fair projects

CRMC funds 9 restoration projects; MyCoast app continues with Trust Fund monies; Engineering with nature to protect RI shorelines

Year-in-review: CRMC revisits 2017; Bradford Dam removal complete

RI forum will showcase latest offshore wind energy science; CRMC issues 2016-17 ROW annual report; CRMC gets verification certificate for BI Wind Farm

CHA-EZ beach profile is 40; Meet new CRMC Chair Jennifer Cervenka; Spotlight: Federal Consistency

CRMC enforcement supervisor receives AG Justice Award; Coastweeks 2017: Salt Marshes 101 with CRMC; Spotlight on SLAMM maps

CRMC, ProvPort, Save The Bay open new Urban Coastal Greenway; Annual Coastweeks Celebration offers outdoor fun; PREP-RI: Climate Resiliency training free and open to public

CRMC gets NOAA funds to restore Quonochontaug Pond in Charlestown; CRMC prepares RISD summer program for ‘Going with the Flow’; Upcoming RI CRS community resilience workshop

Eelgrass on decline in RI; Industry talks of State of Aquaculture in RI; Whitehouse, CRMC talk CC, SLR to appraisers

CRMC, Fugate lauded for role in first offshore wind farm; Join us for 6/29 State of Aquaculture in RI talk; EU report highlights BMPs of Ocean SAMP

RI particularly vulnerable to SLR; CRMC designates fifth clean marina; Ninigret salt marsh planting

CRMC funds 11 habitat projects; Despite summer closure, aquaculture industry shows growth in 2016; New NOAA sea level rise projections dramatically increase by 2100

CRMC 2016: A Year in Review; CRMC expands wetlands program; Fugate receives Benchley Ocean Award

RI’s salt marsh restoration and enhancement projects: A new method for buying more time; Ninigret salt marsh restoration, enhancement project to begin; Update on Narrow River salt marsh restoration project

New public access app features CRMC rights-of-way; CRMC welcomes new legal counsel; CRMC’s Fugate speaks at White House; CRMC funds eelgrass mapping effort

RI aquaculture in the spotlight: CRMC Ninigret tours a success; RI’s first kelp farm permitted by Council; Summer aquaculture tour information; CRMC holds logo contest for 45th

RI Salt Marsh Monitoring & Assessment Program released; An update on Ninigret Pond elevation enhancement; CRMC approves five aquaculture applications; Oppenheimer Beach SAMP video

The Ocean SAMP: Five Years Later; NOAA grant will allow RI to improve storm protection; CRMC awards students for science fair projects; Erosion control workshop in April

CRMC funds 5 habitat projects through Trust Fund; 2015 a good year for aquaculture despite harsh winter; Ocean SAMP 5-yr update meeting slated for 3/29; Erosion control workshop in April

CRMC approves changes to sea level rise policy; CRMC introduces new risk index under Beach SAMP; RI Ed Exchange now offers paid aquaculture training; CRMC outreach effort

CRMC instrumental in Providence public access; Beach SAMP products making waves in RI; First commercial shellfish hatchery permitted; Vibrio compliance workshops

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