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RI Coastal Resources Management Council preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders

Semi-Monthly Meeting – Full Council
Tuesday, October 24, 2006; 6:00 p.m.
Narragansett Bay Commission Boardroom
One Service Road, Providence, RI


Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Subcommittee Reports.
Staff Reports.

Presentation – Managing Setbacks and Buffers – G. Fugate, CRMC
Suburban Buffers & Training – M. Gold, URI/CE

Applications requesting an Extension of existing Assent:

1990-10-040 PAUL & CATHERINE NEVILLE (originally Water Street Realty Trust) – Applicant
requesting 2nd Full Council approval extension. Project location of plat 21, lot 4;
Sakonnet Estates, Portsmouth, RI.

Applications which have been Out to Notice for 30 days and are before the Full Council for

1973-08-015 NANCY GILBANE – To alter the design of the floating dockage at an existing
residential boating facility. As initially permitted in 1994 the floating dock consisted of
a 200 square foot (20’ x 10’) float that extended 35 +/- feet seaward of the fixed pier. In
2004 the design was modified to allow the use of a 33’ x 4’ access float which extended
40 +/- feet seaward of the fixed pier and which was used to access a 20’ x 6’ float and a
20’ x 4’ float (total SF 200 SF). The applicant now seeks permission to alter the
float design as shown on the attached plans. The design calls for the installation of two
20’ x 5’ floating docks and a 26’ x 6’ float for a total terminal float SF of 356 SF. The
new float arrangement will extend 40’ +/- feet seaward of the fixed pier and 75’ +/-
beyond MLW. The proposed design is variant to RICRMP Standard 300.4.E.3.d by 206
square feet. Project location: plat 26, lot 20; 140 Adams Point Road, Barrington, RI.

2004-11-064 BEACHFRONT, LLC – Construct an 8,600 square foot, 18 room, hotel; associated
storm-water management; and landscaping. The hotel is proposed to be elevated above
the 100-year flood zone elevation. The hotel will be serviced by municipal water and
sewer system. Located at plat 116NW, lots 11, 12; 1 Wave Avenue/Second Beach,
Middletown, RI.

3. Add New Section 300.14.B.9. Standards

9. See Table 4a for maintenance provisions for dwelling additions and rebuilds within the 50 foot setback zone
on developed, moderately developed, and undeveloped barriers.

Table 4a.
Dwelling Rebuilds and Additions for Maintenance Activities under Section 300.14

Section 210.7 (Dunes):
Within the 50 Foot Dune Setback Zone
All Structural Alterations other than will be Required to:
Move Beyond the 50 foot Setback Area and
Meet Flood Plain Elevation Requirements
(On Ground)
25 sq.ft. Cantilever
Decks at a minimum of 8
feet above grade (in 50
foot setback area only)
If Foundation is NOT
FEMA Compliant and:
1. Rebuild In-kind
2. Anything Else
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Before any work can be done,
structure’s foundation must be
made FEMA-compliant (i.e.:
move up) and meet Section 140
(move back) & other applicable
RICRMP sections.
Not Allowed*
Not Allowed
If Foundation IS
FEMA Compliant and:
1. Rebuild In-kind
2. Anything Else
(Add 2nd Floor
Allowed (as Maintenance)
Not Allowed
Allowed only if Activity is
built beyond 50 foot
Setback and meets Flood
Plain Elevation)
If structure is within the 50 foot
setback area, and cannot
relocate beyond 50 foot setback
area, application will be
determined to be a Maintenance
activity and the structure will
be allowed to be rebuilt in-kind.
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Add 2nd Floor
Allowed only if Activity is
built beyond 50 foot
Setback and meets Flood
Plain Elevation)
  Not Allowed

These are for typical maintenance activity reviews. In unusual circumstances, the Executive Director may
invoke the maintenance provision allowances of Section 300.14.

*On Moderately Developed and Undeveloped Barriers, only in-kind maintenance is allowed. If a lot can
support it, the structure may be moved back and up (FEMA-compliant). However, in-kind rebuild is still only

Enforcement Report -- September 2006

Category “A” List


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