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RI Coastal Resources Management Council preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders

Semi-Monthly Meeting – Full Council
Tuesday, December 13, 2016; 6:00 p.m.
Administration Building; Conference Room A
One Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting – December 13, 2016

Subcommittee Reports

Staff Reports

Block Island Wind Farm/DWW Presentation – Ted Hoffbauer, CVA with ABS

Coastal Habitat Restoration Trust Fund Applications Before The Council For Review And Decision:

The projects recommended for full funding are:

  1. Factory Brook Fishway ($40,000)
  2. Evaluation of strategies to facilitate salt marsh migration ($20,424)
  3. Build-out of intensive Tier 3 salt marsh monitoring in Rhode Island ($19,427)
  4. Sapowet Creek Saltmarsh Enhancement and Coastal Restoration ($19,242)
  5. Eelgrass Tier 1 Accuracy Assessment and Monitoring ($17,982)
  6. Revegetation and Slope Stablilization in Blackstone Park Conservation District ($5,000)
  7. Urban Habitat Restoration Pilot ($4,700)
  8. Improving Coastal Resiliency at Longmeadow Coastal Access Site ($4,225)

The projects recommended for partial funding are:

  1. Improving Fish Passage at Bradford Dam ($64,000)
  2. Barrier Beach Protection and Plant Community Restoration in the Napatree Point Conservation Area ($15,000)
  3. Restoration of Diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) nesting habitat on the Potowomut River ($15,000)

The projects not recommended for funding are:

  1. Tunipus Pond Marsh Restoration Project
  2. Garden Pond Marsh Restoration Project

In addition, the committee has created a contingency list of projects to be funded in the event that a project recommended for funding is unable to go forward or the requested funds are not needed due to unforeseen circumstances.

2016-2017 Contingency List:

  1. Improving Fish Passage at Bradford dam (remainder needed for construction)

All proposals are evaluated and ranked using standard criteria and an evaluation form developed by the TAC, available on the CRMC website at

Applications which have been Out-To-Notice and are before the Full Council for Decision:

2016-06-099 RIDEM/DIVISION OF FISH & WILDLIFE -- Construct and maintain: a 2.95 acre oyster reef as part of a research program for finfish enhancement. Please note that three locations are proposed for Quonochontaug Pond. This notice is for the easternmost reef area (#3) in the eastern Quonochontaug Pond Spawner Sanctuary. Located in Quonochontaug Pond, Charlestown, RI.

2016-06-100 RIDEM/DIVISION OF FISH & WILDLIFE -- Construct and maintain a 2.94 acre oyster reef area for research concerning finfish enhancement in Quonochontaug Pond. This is area #2 on the attached map and is part of the three separate proposed research reef areas. Located in Quonochontaug Pond, Charlestown, RI.

2016-06-101 RIDEM/DIVISION OF FISH & WILDLIFE -- Construct and maintain a 2.92 acre area to create oyster reefs and conduct research on the growth and survival of local finfish. Please see the attached map. This notice is for one of three restoration sites proposed for Quonochontaug Pond. Located in Quonochontaug Pond, Westerly, RI.


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