...to preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders
CRMC Hires New Coastal Policy Analyst
October 27, 2005, WAKEFIELD — The Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council announced today that it has filled the vacancy of its newly created Coastal Policy Analyst position, and has hired James Boyd, a training coordinator at the University of Rhode Island’s Onsite Wastewater Training Center in Kingston and a former CRMC staff member. Boyd begins his work with the Council on November 14.
This post will primarily be responsible for implementing, updating and coordinating policy initiatives within the CRMC’s Special Area Management Plans. This is the first time the Council has designated a staff member to specifically address these management plans. The coastal policy analyst will also identify and undertake marine and coastal resources management studies and assess the viability of marine and coastal systems as they relate to the implementation of the state coastal resources management program and its SAMPs.
“We welcome Jim Boyd back to CRMC and are excited about the addition to our staff, as well as the new Coastal Policy Analyst position,” said CRMC Chairman Michael M. Tikoian. “Now, with Jim’s expertise in policy, planning, and coastal zone, watershed and stormwater management, the CRMC will be able to have one staff member specializing and giving proper weight to all of the agency’s Special Area Management Plans, important coastal planning tools.”
The position will also require Boyd to work closely with cooperating agencies municipalities, committees and interested groups in carrying out various activities, as well as obtain input from these sources and include this information in agency programs.
Boyd graduated from URI with degrees in Resource Development (wetland ecology and forestry) and Natural Resources Science (soil science and hydrology), and has worked at the university’s OWTC since 2003. He was also a senior fellow for URI’s Coastal Institute from 2001 to 2005, and prior to working at URI, Boyd was district coordinator for the Vermont Environmental Board from 1997 to 2001.
Boyd worked as an environmental scientist for the Council from 1992 until 1997, where he developed and coordinated policy and regulations, reviewed and evaluated alternative onsite sewage disposal technologies in coastal communities, and was the CRMC representative for the RI Marine Fisheries Council, RI State Conservation Committee, RI Department of Environmental Management Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Technical Review Committee, RI Legislative Commission on Aquaculture, and the URI Cooperative Extension Onsite Wastewater Training Center. He was also a commercial fisherman for 10 years and is still an avid saltwater fisherman.