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RI Coastal Resources Management Council preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders

Notice of Public Hearing

CRMC File No.: 2011-12-017
Date: March 23, 2012

The Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) has been petitioned to make a regulatory interpretation to characterize the coastal feature between and inclusive of parcels 92-2:46 through 92-3:99 located in the Town of South Kingstown pursuant to Chapter 46-23 of the Rhode Island General Laws.

Therefore, in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the “Administrative Procedures Act” (Section 42-35-3 of the Rhode Island General Laws) and the Rules and Regulations of the Coastal Resources Management Council, notice is hereby given that the Coastal Resources Management Council is scheduling a hearing on said Petition that seeks a regulatory interpretation to characterize a portion of the Matunuck shoreline from the existing ‘Coastal Headlands, Bluffs and Cliffs’ (Sec. 210.4 of the Program) designation to proposed ‘Manmade Shorelines’ (Sec. 210.6 of the Program) classification.”

The petition has been assigned file number 2011-12-017 and can be viewed at the CRMC’s office during regular office hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm), on the CRMC website at or the Secretary of State’s website at

The Town of South Kingstown filed a petition with the Coastal Resources Management Council on December 12, 2011 requesting the CRMC to change the existing characterization of a segment of the Matunuck shoreline, between and inclusive of parcels 92-2:46 through 92-3:9 as shown in the Town’s Petition, from Coastal Headlands, Bluffs and Cliffs to a characterization of Manmade Shoreline. Such a change, if approved by the Council, would allow the installation of new structural shoreline protection for the affected parcels provided the property owners apply for and receive a CRMC Assent.

A public hearing has been scheduled for the Petition to be held in the Auditorium of the South Kingstown High School, 215 Columbia Avenue, Wakefield, RI, on Tuesday, April 24, 2012, at 6:00 p.m.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Coastal Resources Management Council offices at 783-3370.

Signed this 23rd day of March, 2012.

Jeffrey M. Willis, Deputy Director
Coastal Resources Management Council

Stedman Government Center
Suite 116, 4808 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879-1900
Voice 401-783-3370 • Fax 401-783-2069 • E-Mail

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