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CZM releases fact sheets to help coastal property owners reduce impacts of erosion, storm damage
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) has developed the StormSmart Properties website to provide property owners with important information on shoreline stability options to reduce erosion and storm damage. As part of the StormSmart Coasts program, the information on the site is aimed at helping property owners work with consultants and other design professionals to select the best option for their individual circumstances.
Fact sheets are available on artificial dunes and dune nourishment; controlling overland runoff to reduce coastal erosion; planting vegetation to reduce erosion and storm damage; bioengineering – coir rolls on coastal banks; bioengineering – natural fiber blankets on coastal banks; and sand fencing.
In the next year, Massachusetts CZM plans to add other fact sheets to the site on topics including revetment, seawall and groin repair and construction; beach nourishment; elevating and relocating buildings; sand-filled envelopes; salt marsh creation and restoration on coastal beaches; and design standards for new revetments, seawalls and groins.
For more information on the fact sheets, go to http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/czm/program-areas/stormsmart-coasts/stormsmart-properties/ .