...to preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders
Narrow River Salt Marsh Restoration Photos
These are the latest views of the Narrow River salt marsh restoration project, taken on December 20, 2016, when Senator Sheldon Whitehouse took a tour of the site. The contractor, JF Brennan, is expected to be finished with the marsh work as well as the beach re-nourishment in mid-January. In the pictures below, Senator Whitehouse, representatives of JF Brennan, and CRMC walk the site.
The barge and dredge for the Narrow River salt marsh restoration and elevation project were assembled in the first week of November 2016, and work on the project began the following week.
Barge with dredge, as well as the lengths of pipe pumping the material from the river onto the sinking areas of the marsh.
One area of the restoration areas on the Narrow River salt marsh.