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RI Coastal Resources Management Council preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders

Regarding the Washington Bridge reconstruction


CRMC staff went out to the site this morning, and the debris that fell into the water is being collected. This is common with this kind of demolition work. Also, the barge has not been damaged or broken, despite comments on social media. It was just stuck in place due to the weight of the materials on it and the low tide. The contractor is handling the matter, and CRMC staff has required turbidity curtains be employed for the removal of the materials that fell into the water, and for the remaining two bridge spans that need to be removed.


The CRMC has fast-tracked the permit for demolition of the failing portions of the Washington Bridge with an emergency permit, as it is an imminent peril and a public health and safety issue. This emergency permit only covers the action of demolition and does not preclude the DOT from providing all of the necessary information contained in a standard application; it simply receives priority in the CRMC review timeline.

Work will be done via a barge, with no in-water work at all, so this can be processed at CRMC as a Category A assent.  Pavement will be removed and then the portions of the bridge decking and “superstructure” will be removed via a crane from land and then from a barge.  The in-water piers will be left (DOT is possibly going to reuse them in reconstruction).  Coordination with the harbormaster and U.S. Coast Guard is in place to close the navigational channel and open a channel to the side when that portion of the decking is removed.  There will be temporary fill in the upland areas for staging and placement of the crane. A portion of Valley Street, which had been removed under the 2022 bridge renovation work, will be re-opened temporarily  as a detour while the portion of the bridge over Waterfront Drive is being removed.

As of this date, RI DOT has not yet submitted anything to CRMC, but it is expected soon.


As the bridge and its footings are within R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council jurisdiction, the CRMC and R.I. Department of Transportation are working together toward a solution that satisfies the requirements of the Rhode Island Coastal Program and meets the needs for reliable and safe transport from Providence to the East Bay.

RIDOT will be applying to the CRMC to dismantle the compromised Washington Bridge and construct the new bridge over tidal waters. CRMC permit staff have met with DOT personnel to discuss preliminary plans and will continue to facilitate and assist in this process while ensuring the protection of the State’s coastal resources.

Visit our website for additional information as it becomes available.


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