...to preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders
CRMC and NBNERR seek pre-proposals for Habitat Restoration Trust Fund projects
Deadline Extension Notice – Due Date Tuesday, December 31st at 4 p.m.
The Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC), in partnership with the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NBNERR), is currently seeking pre-proposals for habitat restoration project funding through its R.I. Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration Program and Trust Fund. The Rhode Island General Assembly established the Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration Program to facilitate design, planning, construction, and monitoring of coastal and estuarine restoration projects by providing grants and technical assistance. The program is administered by the CRMC with support from the Fund’s Technical Advisory Committee.
Municipalities, committees, boards, or commissions chartered by a municipality, nonprofit organizations, civic groups, educational institutions, and state agencies are eligible to submit a project pre-proposal. Proposed projects must be located within Rhode Island. Priority will be placed on those projects that seek to enhance coastal habitats’ resiliency to climate change and sea level rise; for example, projects that remove barriers to future wetland migration with sea level rise or that enhance shoreline vegetation where habitat is threatened by increased coastal erosion. Additionally, priority will be placed on projects located within Environmental Justice communities and/or that address Environmental Justice concerns.
There is no specific match requirement for proposed projects; however, proposals that can demonstrate matching funds or in-kind services will have an advantage in the selection process. Applicants are therefore encouraged to detail all federal and non-federal resources contributing toward completion of the project, whether cash or in-kind.
Total available funding for fiscal year 2025 is $225,000. This funding is allocated from fees collected under the Oil Spill Response and Prevention Act (OSPAR) to potential habitat restoration projects. The Habitat Fund Technical Advisory Committee, chaired by the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and comprised of members from state, federal and non-profit organizations, recommends projects to the CRMC for funding. Individual project awards generally range from $5,000 to $50,000 per year. Longer-term projects may reapply for additional funds in subsequent years.
Project pre-proposals are due by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
To submit a pre-proposal, please download the Pre-Proposal Form at www.crmc.ri.gov/habitatrestoration.html. Fill out the form and send via PDF format to blofgren@crmc.ri.gov. For questions regarding the Fund or pre-application requirements, contact Bruce Lofgren at the email address above or (401) 783-3370.