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RI Coastal Resources Management Council preserve, protect, develop, and restore coastal resources for all Rhode Islanders

Volunteers Wanted: R.I. CRMC Fishermen’s Advisory Board

The R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council is seeking volunteers to constitute a Fishermen’s Advisory Board (FAB).

The CRMC’s FAB is created under the authority of the Ocean Special Area Management Plan (Ocean SAMP, or OSAMP). The FAB advises the CRMC in the agency’s review of activities occurring in marine waters, such as, but not limited to, the siting, construction of, and potential adverse impacts resulting from, o􏰀shore projects and activities on commercial and recreational fisheries, as well as other uses of the state’s marine waters.

In addition to the FAB’s advisory role, the FAB may aid the agency in developing and implementing a research agenda to further the agency’s understanding of the OSAMP area. The FAB may also assist in identifying and proposing new areas with unique or fragile physical features, important natural habitats, or areas of high natural productivity for designation by the Council as Areas of Particular Concern or Areas Designated for Preservation.

Presently, the CRMC is beginning the review of the renewable energy project South Coast Wind, which is seeking to locate its o􏰀shore export cable in Rhode Island state waters including the Sakonnet River and Mount Hope Bay. Additionally, the CRMC may be undertaking reviews of several other o􏰀shore renewable energy projects which will require FAB involvement.

See the following websites for additional information on these projects and the OSAMP:

To that end, the CRMC is seeking volunteers to constitute a Fishermen’s Advisory Board.

In accordance with the Ocean SAMP (§ 11.3.E), the Fishermen’s Advisory Board may be comprised of up to twenty (20) members, which include the following:

  1. Up to two (2) members representing each of the following six Rhode Island fisheries: bottom trawling; scallop dredging; gillnetting; lobstering; party and charter boat fishing; and recreational angling;
  2. Up to two (2) members representing Rhode Island seafood processing facilities; and
  3. Up to six (6) members, who are Massachusetts fishermen who fish in the Ocean SAMP area to include four commercial fishermen and two recreational fishermen.

If interested please contact Jeff Willis, Executive Director, Coastal Resources Management Council, Stedman Government Center, 4808 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI, 02879,


Stedman Government Center
Suite 116, 4808 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879-1900
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